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What We Do


  • Product demonstrations & education
  • Sampling
  • Lead generations & data capture
  • Mobile tours and interactive displays
  • Field sales & hospitality
  • Digital marketing
  • Key influencer programs, WOM, & viral marketing
  • Retailtainment
  • Sponsorship activation & negotiation


  • Concept development
  • Creative design & production
  • Digital marketing & social media integration
  • Media & PR
  • Reporting and measurement
  • Agency partnerships


  • Sporting events
  • Fairs & festivals
  • Concerts
  • Malls & retailers
  • Multiple Dwelling Units (MDUs)
  • Parks & beaches
  • Schools (high school & college campuses)
  • Commuter locations (subways, train stations, airports, etc.)
  • Block parties
  • Office centers
  • Guerrilla locations
Marketing Connections - What We Do
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